Monday, June 7, 2010

This blog is about a new beginning. It's about my decision to choose how I want my life to be instead of life dictating what happens to me. Now is my time for action. Now is my time to be who I am supposed to be. No more excuses, no more waiting for just the right time. Today, June 7, 2010 I begin my journey to become a master percussionist. I'm likely the most UN-likely person to succeed at such an undertaking. I'm in no way a typical beginning musician. I'm female, I just turned 40, my youngest just graduated from high school and I'm officially on my own now. However, I've never been the typical idea of "Mom" either. My two grown daughters are always mistaken as my friends or my sisters and my daughters tell me I don't do the typical "Mom" stuff, whatever that is. I have decided to omit the empty-nester scenario from my life and replace it with the greatest life I can imagine-full of adventure, fun, achievement and fulfillment. I am going everywhere I want, doing everything I want to do and being who I want to be. Becoming a master percussionist is the first item on my list of "to dos." And I don't mean just being able to play percussion instruments, I am going to master them, starting now.

It's all about me now. It's never been about me before. I married at 20 and had kids at 21 and 22. My life kicked me in the teeth 3 years ago and ended my marriage, setting me on a path of uncertainty, humiliation and the greatest mental and physical pain I have ever known. I've wallowed in that misery long enough. All the success books I read during that time made me realize how my life turns out is the result of my choices. Today I choose action. The past is let go and I'm beginning the journey to me. I'm prepared for it NOT to be easy. I'm prepared to sometimes feel like giving up. But what will drive me through this is my desire to be the percussionist I want to be. I've had drum lessons in the past, but not recently. I have a silver Ludwig set in my house, 3 drum lesson books, a brother who is a professional drummer, a few musician friends and the iron will power of an ox. And so here begins my journey...

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