Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I didn't exactly find a teacher yet. I called a local university that has a music program. I wouldn't be able to start lessons there until the fall, the woman that answered the phone said, so that won't help me right now. I gave my former drum teacher a call this morning, but had to leave a message because he didn't answer. He's probably practicing. He's very disciplined-and that's my goal-to be like him. When I started taking lessons 3 years ago, I liked him instantly but was also very intimidated. I wanted to impress him, but I was just plain terrible so knew that wasn't going to happen. I was embarrassed to play in front of him at my lessons. He didn't do anything to intimidate me, it was my own insecurities working against me. I knew he didn't expect me to play everything perfectly and I sure didn't. I could play a piece fine at home, but when I got to lessons I got nervous and my hands and wrists didn't work right. I figured he was thinking, "This lunatic, shes not going to last a month."

But I really want to do this. So today I was sick to my stomach as I listened to the phone ring on the other end. Honestly I was relieved when the answering machine picked up. Calling him now after giving up my lessons a year ago is going to earn me a major eye roll and a sigh. I hope he calls back.

It started about 5 years ago, my urge to learn the drums. I was a stay-at-home mom at the time. I noticed when I listened to the radio in my jeep that I was focused on the drum beat. A little voice in my head always said "Yeah, I want to do that." Then the other voice that's always hanging around somewhere in the back ground chimes, "What are you thinking!!!! LOL. You looser. You're old. You're a Mom. Stick to driving your daughter to band practice. You take up drum lessons and she will be the laughing stock of the school."
But after a while, I stopped listening to the voice in the back of my head and took drum lessons at a local music store. I gave the lessons up after a couple of months because I wasn't impressed with that teacher. He seemed more interested in flirting with me than teaching me anything. About 2 years passed and I got the nerve up to try it again. This time at another music store across town. That's how I met my last teacher. He impressed me. He's got an actual 4-year degree in percussion and is one of the smartest guys I've ever known but not in a conceited way. So I've picked him as my mentor. Hopefully he will accept the assignment.

I consulted with my 17-year-old, just graduated from high school, marching band pit student, on the notes I was having trouble readng yesterday. She got me straightened out. I've got the quarter notes, eighth notes and sixteenth notes figured out now. I was right in a way yesterday, that measure was with an eighth note. It's like music is like a language. A single note is the letter and a group of notes makes the word. Ok seems I'm on the right track. I spent the morning away from reading music and played some different rudiments lightly and hard while I waited for my teacher, my chosen mentor, to call back.

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